Blog entries tagged with 'utilities'

  • Announcing MySQL Multi-Source Replication Utility

    By Nuno Mariz, on 1 April 2014 @ 15:05

    The MySQL Utilities team is pleased to announce a new MySQL utility, mysqlrplms, that allows users to setup multi-source replication. This utility is available for server versions 5.6.9 and later with GTIDs enabled. The new utility is included in MySQL Utilities release-1.4.2 RC.

    What is multi-source replication?

    Multi-source replication is often regarded as a means to aggregate and consolidate different streams of data (from master servers - also called sources) into one single server (slave) instance. This is useful for consolidating non-conflicting data changes into a central server. Not only does this allow users to perform backups of the consolidated data, it also permits users to execute queries that may span the datasets.

    Requirements and assumptions

    • The mysqlrplms utility supports MySQL 5.6.9 and higher version servers with GTIDs enabled.
    • There must not be any overlap or data conflicts for the data from different masters. For example, there are no updates to the same object from multiple masters.
    • Replication must be asynchronous.
    • A round-robin scheduling is used to setup replication among all masters and slave.

    Note: a POSIX system is required for using the daemon option.


    Basic multi-source replication setup:

    shell> mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
    # Starting multi-source replication...
    # Press CTRL+C to quit.
    # Switching to master 'host2:3306'.
    # master on localhost: ... connected.
    # slave on localhost: ... connected.
    # Current Master Information:
    | Binary Log File   | Position  | Binlog_Do_DB  | Binlog_Ignore_DB  |
    | clone-bin.000001  | 594       | N/A           | N/A               |
    # GTID Executed Set: 0cd1200c-b5a2-11e3-a342-28d244017f26:1-2
    # Health Status:
    | host       | port  | role    | state  | gtid_mode  | health  |
    | host2      | 3306  | MASTER  | UP     | ON         | OK      |
    | host1      | 3306  | SLAVE   | UP     | ON         | OK      |
    | host3      | 3306  | MASTER  | UP     | ON         | OK      |
    # Switching to master host3:3306'.
    # master on localhost: ... connected.
    # slave on localhost: ... connected.
    # Current Master Information:
    | Binary Log File   | Position  | Binlog_Do_DB  | Binlog_Ignore_DB  |
    | clone-bin.000001  | 594       | N/A           | N/A               |
    # GTID Executed Set: c30a1796-b998-11e3-bd1a-28d244017f26:1-2
    # Health Status:
    | host       | port  | role    | state  | gtid_mode  | health  |
    | host3      | 3306  | MASTER  | UP     | ON         | OK      |
    | host1      | 3306  | SLAVE   | UP     | ON         | OK      |
    | host2      | 3306  | MASTER  | UP     | ON         | OK      |

    Multi-source replication setup using different report values:

    shell> mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
                      --masters=root:pass@host2:3306,root:pass@host3:3306 \

    Start multi-source replication running as a POSIX daemon:

    shell> mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
                      --masters=root:pass@host2:3306,root:pass@host3:3306 \
                      --log=rplms_daemon.log \

    Restart a multi-source replication running as a POSIX daemon:

    shell> mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
                      --masters=root:pass@host2:3306,root:pass@host3:3306 \
                      --log=rplms_daemon.log \

    Stop a multi-source replication running as a POSIX daemon:

    shell> mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
                      --masters=root:pass@host2:3306,root:pass@host3:3306 \
                      --log=rplms_daemon.log \

    Send us your feedback

    MySQL Utilities release-1.4.2 RC is available for download from the following links:

    The documentation of MySQL Utilities can be obtained from the following link:

    Contributing Ideas:

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