
  • Ruby on rails, the new hype?!

    By Nuno Mariz, on 21 April 2005 @ 10:30
    10m setup video
    The meaning of Hype in The Probert Encyclopaedia is Hype is Black-American slang for "a deception". But the same word in the Michael J. Motto Advertising - Selected Glossary means Extreme promotion of a person, idea, or product.

    Either way, the 10m setup video in the official site of ruby on rails is quite impressive and looks promising.
  • Java books

    By Nuno Mariz, on 20 April 2005 @ 16:16

    I've bought from some books about Java. I need to move from PHP to Java, as soon as possible, and start to make some serious programming on this platform.

    Core Java 2: Fundamentals Vol. 1Core Java 2: Fundamentals Vol. 1: This book is the new edition of the best-selling introductory book to Java for experienced programmers and completely updated for J2SE 1.5. It covers the basics.

    Core Java 2: Advanced Features Vol. 2Core Java 2: Advanced Features Vol. 2: This book covers the more advanced features of the Java 2 platform, such as: Multithreading, Collections, Networking, Database Connectivity- Jdbc, Remote Objects, Advanced Swing, Advanced Awt, Javabeans, Security, Internationalization, Native Methods and Xml.

    Core Java 2: Advanced Features Vol. 2J2EE Design Patterns: This book covers UML (Unified Modeling Language), Presentation Tier Architecture, The Business Tier, Enterprise Concurrency, Messaging, J2EE Antipatterns, etc.
    Seems, this is the last book i will read from this three ;)

  • What can you expect?

    By Nuno Mariz, on 15 April 2005 @ 10:02
    You can expect some news and opinions related to computers, software development and architecture, geeks stuff, some tutorials and personal projects.
  • Why in english?

    By Nuno Mariz, on 15 April 2005 @ 09:53
    Im writing my weblog in english just to practice my grammar.